Friday 14 October 2016

Liked on Pinterest: Robbie the Robot, from the classic 1956 space movie "Forbidden Planet," one of the three famous Hollywood robot designs of veteran art director Robert Kinoshita. The other two were, of course, the Robot from "Lost in Space," and Tobor from the 1954 film "Tobor the Great." Appearance at San Diego Comic Con, 2006;

Description: Robbie the Robot, from the classic 1956 space movie "Forbidden Planet," one of the three famous Hollywood robot designs of veteran art director Robert Kinoshita. The other two were, of course, the Robot from "Lost in Space," and Tobor from the 1954 film "Tobor the Great." Appearance at San Diego Comic Con, 2006;
By steve stamm
Pinned to Sci Fi board on Pinterest
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